These were the little kids in 2006 What joy to have all our kids home. I am astonished at how grown up they are. 7 years does make a difference.
Just a few of the teens at Urukundo Village. They are a handsome bunch.
Giselle will go into Politics. Who knows where that will lead. Parliament may be.
Esperance has yet to decide what she will do in the future. University is in her plans.
Seraphine wants to go to culinary school.
Dada will be active in Urukundo Village. What ever else she does.
Alexander received an honor from Urukundo kids for his improvement in grades last term.
Emmanuel is in High School and stands about 6 foot 2.
Abis is in his first year of High School
Claude finishes Primary 6 this term.
Tresor graduates from High School in October 2013. A school in England possible.
Diescor is studying at Lysee Kigali. His goal is to become a doctor.
Divine has a dream. She will be an International Air Line pilot. Go girl.
Anett wants to attend "Akilah Institute for Women." She will be a businesswoman.