Urukundo was blessed, thanks to the Ingoboka Fund, to be able to give the help needed when a little four year old boy, Deogratios Mugisha, accidentally fell into boiling water and was scalded over the left side of his body. Remember cooking is done in the home of our families with charcoal pots sitting on the floor. The little boy is a student at our preschool and so when this happened his parents brought him to us.
The guards knocked on the window at our house saying there was a problem and asked for help. The parents were at the gate with their child. The guard said the boy was burned. How, he was not sure. We went directly to the clinic where I thought I had medicine used for burns. There was very little. The parents brought the boy in. He was in shock and just looked at me with scared eyes. Cold water would have been best treatment at the point when the scalding took place, but water is not available. After getting the hot clothes off and calming him down, his mother dressed him again covering all his skin to bring him to us. "Not the best idea." No burns were visible until he was undressed. Water blisters were extensive and many were broken exposing raw scalded pink skin. His clothes kept him warm but did damage to his little body.
Much of the skin was pulled away because of the clothes.
I had medicated wrap used by fireman to protect the burn area until transport to a hospital takes place. Removing the clothes carefully we gently placed the protective medicated wrap over the burned area, called our driver to come and transport the boy and his parents to the hospital. We are also blessed to have a vehicle always available.
We did what we could but now I know we need burn medicine for early first aid treatment.
We are able to give the parents financial help to have him treated and admitted at the local hospital. Financially we will continue caring for this little one while he is in the hospital. I am so grateful to have the Ingaboka Fund available. IT IS NOW DEPLETED. More and more we are blessed because others care and lend a helping hand.
Please pray for the child. Secondary infections are the real danger in this kind of burn. Thanks to all who gave a gift for emergency treatment.