News from the Volunteers On Site

Louise our volunteer from the UK teaches YOGA to energetic boys & girls.
Louise is working on research for her PhD in Rwanda and comes each weekend to spend valuable time with our kids.
Volunteers Kyle from Texas, USA and Charley from Canada work with our ten o'clock group in Hope House activity room.
The map on the wall has proven to be worth its weight in gold.
Our kids and volunteer Camilo from Columbia discuss where Camilo's home is.
This month there were 12 visitors at Urukundo Village. These visitors are youth, and vary in the time they spend. Some came for several days, others came for weeks and yet others come for a month or more. 
We are blessed by these visitors and the work they have done while they were here.
Nikki and Lelia from NY, USA stand at attention with the students. They were excellent teachers' assistants.
Lelia assists teachers at Cyakabiri school for small children.
Jolly, a regular volunteer from Rwanda, does journal work with the students.
Maggie from Uganda came not only as a volunteer but became part of our permanent volunteer staff.
Our picture of Maggie did not turn out well - we'll try again so look for a picture of Maggie in next month's Newsletter.
Cornelia from Austria visited for a day and has vowed she will come back and stay longer next time.

Bruce and Margie Krogh, here from Pittsburgh's Carnegie Mellon University, shared their visitors with Urukundo. We were honored by a visit with Hedda Schmidtke, a teacher from Carnegie Mellon.  Anita Kim and her husband Hyong Kim also from Pittsburgh.  It is always a pleasure for me to introduce new friends to Urukundo and its kids. Staff members Vincent, Oscar and yours truly got in the photo.
Mike (California), Charley (Canada), Camilo (Columbia) and Kyle (Texas) doing hard labor preparing the road to the land for the hoped-for primary school.
We are looking for partners for this project.
The old man of the volunteers getting in a few digs.
Gary from New Hampshire, USA.
Camilo from Columbia supervising.
Sore muscles tomorrow for Gary.