International team at Urukundo Village.
Front row : Shona, Scotland; Katrina, Australia. Second row : Nancy, Texas; Kathleen, Australia. Top row : Caroline, UK; Mary Ann, UK.
This team arrived about 10 am and moved a ton of bricks. They worked very hard.
Troy from Australia, Stephanie, France and Deborah from Cyprus had been here two days ago but could not come on photo day and so are not in the picture. It is unusual for a team of 9 to be from 6 different countries! The afternoon was spent at Hope House with the children.
David and Sam.
Sam Buck from UK spent 7 weeks at Urukundo and returned home Sept 9th. The boys come down in the mornings asking 'Where is Sam?'. They think he should be back at Urukundo by now.
Presbyterian delegation from Pa visited Urukundo for a day.
Good friends Marilyn Ely from Trout Run, Pa and Meredith Bakke from Madison, Wisconsin came to share in the activities at Urukundo Village.
Their time here included a visit to see the Gorillas up close and personal (a bit scary!) and to experience Rwanda's ancient history before, during and after the Kings.