Greetings from Mama Arlene in Rwanda and in America for June 2010

The month of June has moved very fast. Preparing to travel to the US has been an ordeal but a pleasant one as it ended happily. Lilliane's Visa came at virtually at the last minute but with "God in Charge" it came in time.
I have been blessed by Rwanda Immigration with a permanent visa. I am honored.

Urukundo is pleased to welcome Todd & Andria Ellingson as volunteers at our Home for children Their desire is to be permanent. Their presence makes it possible for me to take this journey to the US.
Nurse Nancy Ehrig has also come on board as a temporary Volunteer filling in for me in our small clinic.. Read about Nancy under visitors for June.
It was good that all three arrived with time for acquainting themselves with Urukundo while I was still there.