Meet The Children

Special visitors

Our boy Claude came home for a visit. He wanted to spend some time with his Urukundo brother, Soso. The boys had a great time. School started for Claude on Nov. 23.

Claude is in Primary 4 this year. Soso is in Primary 3, and he is one of three children who remains at Urukundo.


Here are some others who made a visit home:



Now in her last year of secondary school, Esperance was delighted to find her Urukundo sister Belise at home when she arrived. Although the girls are in the same level of education, they go to different schools. The schools are very far apart, so coming home at the same time is a real event for the girls.


Her smile brightens our world.d

Her smile brightens our world.d

Belise came to Urukundo when she was 4 years old. She was the first girl under age 7 to become part of the Urukundo family. The story of Belise is a chapter in my book on Pages 75-78. She is in her final year of secondary school (high school). Her graduation has been delayed by the Covid-19 pandemic.



Bosco, who was home for the day, came to be part of the Urukundo family in 2007. He was one of eight boys brought to Urukundo by the village leader. He is now a university student in his second year. He is enrolled in Mount Kenya University, Kigali campus.

Yes, there is no place like home.


There were early morning good-byes as the girls carrying their treasures started off for university. Now that public transportation is back, they were able to board a bus and return to their studies.


Their younger Urukundo brother, Claude, assists them as they walk to the bus. A helper who also carries school supplies is important.

Hope Made Real: The book

Get to know Claudine. Have you met our sight-impaired member of the Urukundo family, Claudine?

This photo is from the book.

This photo is from the book.

She’s now a teen. Her glasses are her favorite color.

She’s now a teen. Her glasses are her favorite color.

When you purchase the book, you help Urukundo care for Claudine and other special children.
I can’t wait for travel to be safe again so I can travel and share the book with many of you.
In the meantime, maybe we could do a Zoom contact. Are you willing to try?

The full title of the book is “Hope Made Real: The Story of Mama Arlene and the Children of Urukundo.” My daughter, Rev. Dr. Patricia Brown, and I wrote it together.

The book is available in both paperback and Kindle versions on Amazon.

Paperback and ebook (AZW, EPub and PDF) versions also can be ordered directly from this bookshop where a larger amount goes to Urukundo..

The book also can be purchased from Barnes & Noble in paperback and NOOK formats.

The many faces of Sarah

Our Sarah has many activities. Building a wall. How awesome is that? She may become our first female civil engineer.

A younger Sarah playing the violin.

A younger Sarah playing the violin.

This little girl grew up to be the Sarah we know today. She is a beauty.

Sports-loving Sarah today.

Sports-loving Sarah today.

Sarah’s story is on Page 126 in my book, “Hope Made Real: The Story of Mama Arlene and the Children of Urukundo.” This is a talented young girl with a lot of ambition. Sarah returned to her foster family in early September. The special music classes are finished until school starts again. We miss her. She will return to Urukundo when the Urukundo Learning Center opens for the next term. Sarah is in Primary 6.

Want to know more about Sarah? Hey, read the book!

Life without school

Here’s an update on what is going on in the life of Claude, our 13-year-old secondary (junior high) school student.

With opening schools still on hold and the music program finished until school opens, Claude wanted something to keep him busy. He has always liked the farm and the animals there. Yep, he is becoming a farmer.

Theresa, manager of the Sewing Center, made him a coverall to protect his regular clothes. Urukundo bought him a pair of boots, and he was ready to work.

Feeding and watering chickens takes up a lot of his day.

Feeding and watering chickens takes up a lot of his day.

Claude said he does not like the pigs, and the cows are very big. I understand that. These broilers will be ready for market soon.


The cowboy is in the teaching mode, and Claude is the student. Being friends with the cowboy is very important. Cows are honored in Rwanda and being a cowboy is also an honored position.

The farm got a great helper, and Claude has a learning experience to his credit.

Baby faces

My favorite thing.



Thinking I needed something to brighten my day, one of my staff brought me a photo of his baby girl being happy. She is sure a cutie.

Here are some more Urukundo family babies.







Urukundo babies are beautiful and mostly happy. Love them all.

Pleasant surprise

Pleasant surprise

Now that gatherings of up to 10 people are permitted, Ismeal, our dental assistant, came to show off his beautiful daughter, Audrey. This was also the first time I met his wife, Ange. She is a lovely young lady. Great for me to have visitors again.